Jack Frost Funny Shin Megami Tensei
Despite the overall bleak atmosphere of the world, there's still some fun to be had.
- There is a list of special dialogues
if you have related demons speak with each other for the first time.
- Thor gets mad at Loki for his past prank of cutting the hair of Thor's wife. Meanwhile, Loki's all casual, addressing Thor as "Mr. T."
- Cerberus wonders why Chimera isn't a guard dog. Chimera simply replies that it is not a dog. Cerberus is awed at this revelation.
- Orthrus ponders why Cerberus only has one head in his current appearance, yet still is the stronger of the hounds. Cerberus evades the question and tries to distract you with a gift.
- Mada and Dionysus bond over their passion for alcohol.
- When Kali asks where Dakini has been, the immediate response is, verbatim, "Oh shit!" and she clumsily tries to talk herself out of trouble.
- The Four Archangels are not above using their position to get offerings from the lower-ranked angels.
- Dionysus has a unique skill named "Wine Party", which resolves all kinds of conversational troubles. It brings up a very silly mental image of any demon being soothed with a few drinks.
- When you first meet her, Pixie is looking for a demon to take her to Yoyogi park, and asks the Demi-Fiend to help her... while also insulting him.
Pixie: You look kinda flabby and weak, but I'll let that slide.
- Ikebukuro is controlled by the Mantra, a group that considers loitering a capital offense.
- Given the Mantra's general attitude, their court system is trial by combat. The demon acting as judge doesn't expect you to survive... and is flabbergasted when you beat Thor and gain his respect. The judge rushes through the ending phrases, just wanting to be over and done with you.
- The Fiends all have foreboding entrances that give the Demi-fiend an idea of just what kind of battle is in store for him... and then there's Hell Biker, whose intro can best be summed up as "HEY, DEMI-BRAT! COUGH UP THE CANDLESTICK OR YOU'RE ROADKILL!" It's made lots funnier in the HD Remaster as his voice actor makes him sound like a biker thug! Or rather, the Macho Man, Randy Savage.
- If you bring a phys-immune demon like, say, Arahabaki, to the fight with Dante and he unloads on the party with More Dakka, the phys-immune demon will flinch while being shot at before the animation completes and the "Block" symbol appears.
- There's something innately funny about Raidou's pistol attack being named "Boogie-Woogie".
- Black Frost in general. For as desperate as he is to be just as scary as any other demon, it all falls flat when you pair that with the fact that he's basically a Palette Swap of Jack Frost. He doesn't even shake their trademark "hee-ho".
- He gathers a Jack Frost posse when he takes over Kabukicho Prison, and their reverence includes lines like "ALL HAIL THE HEE-HO!"
- When you eventually get around to recruiting Black Frost, he "joins your party without your consent".
- The entirety of the optional Mara side quest, where two Manikins impatiently have a Baphomet try to summon the aforementioned demon after getting sick of being treated like dirt by the other demons. In the original version, the Baphomet also speaks like a goat by dragging out his a syllables.
- For whatever reason, the two Manikins, and just these two, sound and act like frat boys in the remaster, with their lines being filled with innuendos.
- Even the Baphomet gets in on the innuendos!
Baphomet: Were we to rouse [Mara] prematurely, he would not be able to come to us at full strength.
- After being pestered by the Manikins and the Demi-fiend, the Baphomet agrees to rush Mara's summoning. The result is Mara indeed being summoned... only as his head, which makes him look like a gigantic Slime. Needless to say, Mara does not appreciate being a Teeny Weenie. In fact, he appreciates it so little that he immediately attacks the Demi-fiend.
- After you defeat the four Devas and bring down Masakado's Shrine, Masakado shows up and asks why you've come by. One of the options is "I just want to say hi."/"I just felt like it." Masakado himself is amused that you've done this out of sport.
- Evidently, even Atlus is aware of Kagustuchi's disco ball-like appearance, as an Archangel in the Tower of Kagutsuchi refers to him as a "goddamn arrogant disco ball" in the HD Remaster.
- Bring Shiva (whose idle animation is a frenzied dance) to the final battle against Kagutsuchi to experience an unintentional Gratuitous Disco Sequence.
- Not to mention the Kagustuchi phase counter will say "DEAD" on a True Demon route. You know what that means? Disco's dead, baby.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Funny/ShinMegamiTenseiIIINocturne
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